Sunday, October 14, 2007

I'll be a bit superstitious today

I knew how desperate the times are when the two leading contenders for the presidency in Kenya, Raila Amolo Odinga and Emilio Mwai Kibaki donned kanzu this weekend and attended Idd celebrations. I use their first names deliberately, for Kibaki subscribes to the Catholic faith, while Raila's denomination is not very clear.

But let's compare and contrast these two images:

This weekend, you'd have mistaken Kibaki and Raila for sheikhs. I can't claim to know whether it's okay for Christians to attend Muslim functions of this kind even if only to woo votes. At least Raila has attended Muslim functions before, including visiting various mosques.

Curiously though, thanks to a hawk-eyed Mohamed Maarufu, a photographer with The Standard, Kibaki, perhaps unwittingly, flashed a masonic symbol that never stops to attract controversy in mostly Christian circles.

I do not know Kibaki or clinton's religions beliefs more than what is in the public domain, but those symbols they flashed might court a bit of controversy. If you are superstitious, be very scared!